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Hey everyone! I am currently attending Luther College where I am majoring in Elementary Education. I hope to someday teach English as a Second Language in Costa Rica and hopefully other places as well.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Lions for Lambs

As we began watching this movie, I was wondering what it was supposed to teach us about education.  I was very excited that this was an actual Hollywood movie because sometimes educational videos can be boring.   The more the movie progressed, I found myself becoming more and more intrigued.  When the Jim told people they could leave if they didn't want to stay any longer, I was saddened by the number of people that got up and left.  I could not believe that they wanted to miss the end to such a great movie.  
Not only did I find this movie extremely influential but I also enjoyed the political angle that it presented.  As I watched the three different courses of events take place, I was ecstatic once I realized that they were all directly connected.  I also found myself comparing the character played by Robert Redford to my Senior English teacher Mrs. Moen.  In addition to the similarities between their actions and teaching styles, the two also shared the likeness of being able to reshape the mind of a student just by telling them something the student already knows.  I believe that the student in this movie realized he could do something with his love for political science but he just needed that final post.  The same can be compared to me with my desire to teach.  All of senior year, I wrote about experiences I had with my Sunday school kids and finally at the end of the year, she asked me to meet with her after class.  She asked me what I was planning on doing with my life and I said I thought I was going to be a teacher.  She looked at me and said, "Well I hope so because otherwise you have been wasting my time this past year."

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